My name is Fleur Adams and I have taken my Danish heritage with me in the name "yogahjerte"; "hjerte" is Danish for "heart", and I would like to bring you yoga, directly from my heart to yours.
I live in Saarland, Germany, and my logo symbolizes the German word "zuhause" - at home - because I want to give you the calmness and happiness to feel at home in yoga, in your body, and in your heart. I will come to you where you need it; work space, school, or at home, and I can come at the time of day where it is convenient for you, lunch break or after work. All you have to do is bring your mat!
I am a Vinyasa yoga instructor and therapist and I also implement essential oils and incense in my work, both in the yoga classes and the therapy sessions. It has a wonderful way of going into your energetic body so you just feel the benefits without really understanding.
I work with respiration as an anchor point because I'm convinced that there is a lot of healing power in breathing as you begin your existence with a deep breath and a scream; when you move in and out of poses using your breath while concentrating on synchronizing movement and the duration of breath, the work you do becomes integrated and you fall into a meditative state: that is what I call "Moving Meditation".
I would like to share the gift of yoga with you! My own path has led me go even deeper into the yogic way, and I am looking forward to whatever will come - spiritually and physically has changed my life immensely and I am happy to help you discovering your full potential!
I do "out of therapy" Therapy; I don't want to become your yogi or teacher or therapist for the rest of your life! No! I want to give you the tools to find the small adjustments in your daily life so you can give your body the opportunity to balance it self out. I want YOU to be your own therapist and take responsibility for your life and body, all I will do is give you movements, tips, tricks and space so you see that you ARE indeed powerful in your life!
Welcome to yogahjerte

How can I help you?
I do a very slow and nice type of yoga that I call "Moving Meditation". We use our breaths to move in and out of poses, trying to let the movement have the same duration of your breath. This means you gets a focus on synchronizing breath and movement, with this a better awareness and mindfulness around yourself.
I call it "to create space". To create space is to create room to register, to see and observe yourself in a new light. When you see yourself in another light, you learn new things; that means you become more objective and will learn to navigate around your usual difficult patches, addictions or just "a will reaction", which is something we all know and try to fight.
I do yoga classes where the spiritual part is important, too - I want to share the ideas about the yogic way of thinking with the people I help. I do believe if you connect to something bigger than just yoga as an exercise you will have vast benefits in your daily life.
If you haven't done yoga before or have difficulties getting up and down in the poses, I can fit any yoga pose to you and your body!
I do work place-yoga specifically designed for the company (office or factory), and you decide how long the sessions are and how many you want.
I also give yoga classes for private clients; we start where the client is and work our way though a session with care, respect for boundaries, and off course - spontaneity. I give more opportunities for the client to work towards specific goals (balance, headstand), but very much with the possibilities and potentials the clients offer.
Another session would be yoga therapy; here I start with a body scan (anamnese), maybe the client has specific health issues (shoulders, knees, sciatica) that we are to work with. The client is heard, I work with the problems, not the symptoms! I explain how I see the individual and how he or she can help themselves. It can be simple posture awareness or straightening of back or lifting breastbone - and then I activate the Nadi points. The goal in a therapy like this is your own willingness to work with your potential, so you won't need a therapist.
Nadi muscle activation is almost the same as the Golgi points or the meridians, that most people know off from traditional Chinese medicine. When they are activated they can be quite painful, but then the muscle or the ligament will "give in" and and the energy is released and the body will as always seek homeostasis (balance) and the poses you have been given to work with will work deeper as I "reset" your muscle or ligaments.
I give the client 2-4 yoga inspired poses that will help him or her to work with this specific potential where the Nadi points were activated. These sessions can be repeated every 6-8 weeks.
The long term goal is that the clients will be able to work and develop their potential with the stretches and exercises in their own home.

(.....) Am meisten freut mich, dass du meinem Mann bei seiner schweren Form von Tinnitus mit deiner gezielten Yogatherapie Mut auf Besserung machen konntest, zumal die Ärzte ihm keinerlei Hoffnung gemacht haben.
Auch eine OP hatte nichts gebracht.
Er macht nun täglich seine Übungen, weil es ihm wirklich Erleichterung verschafft!
Liebe Fleur, ich kann nicht in Worte fassen, wie unendlich dankbar ich dir für diese Yogatherapie bin, zumal bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt wirklich nichts geholfen hat.
Nun können wir wieder hoffnungsvoll in die Zukunft blicken.
Klient Tinnitus

Excellent! That was perfectly excellent for me - and very nice to meet you in Hinterland Village, India.
Dr. Vishnu Agarwal
Azamgarh, India

Fleur has a natural and intuitional approach to her private yoga sessions. I was looking for someone to tune into my needs and adapts every lesson to the present moment. Fleur is excellent at it and will help you achieve the stretch and strength you need, as well as release blocages through the meditation and relaxing part. I am looking forward to continuing my journey with her <3
Danielle Ribs

Fleur gav mig en kærlig og kyndig yogasession, hvor hun med sit imødekommende væsen og skarpe blik, hurtigt fandt mine svage punkter, for straks at mobilisere en balance i min krop. Efter sessionen, der primært havde fokus på mit venstre knæ, der efter et trafikuheld for 6 år siden stadig gør ret ondt, følte jeg en mærkbar lindring og lettelse. Jeg havde tilmed en oplevelse af, at jeg kunne se mere klart med det venstre øje. Pudsigt :) Alt i alt en rigtig god og brugbar oplevelse. Nu er jeg jo nødt til at få endnu en session, for at se bedre på højre øje ;)
Copenhagen, Denmark